Expert Occupational Health Services at UCLA: Keeping Your Employees Safe and Sound


Are you tired of being sick and tired? Do you want to avoid the dreaded office flu that seems to sweep through your workplace every year? Look no further than UCLA Occupational Health! Our team of highly trained professionals is dedicated to keeping you healthy and happy in the workplace.

First and foremost, let's talk about the dreaded flu. We all know the symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, the list goes on. But did you know that the flu can actually be deadly? That's right, according to the CDC, influenza has caused an estimated 12,000-61,000 deaths annually since 2010. So why take the risk? Come see us at UCLA Occupational Health and we'll make sure you're protected.

But it's not just the flu that we're here to help you with. Do you suffer from chronic pain due to your job? Are you constantly stressed out by your workload? Our team of experts can work with you to come up with a plan to manage your pain and reduce your stress levels. Trust us, your mind and body will thank you.

And speaking of your mind, did you know that mental health is just as important as physical health? That's right, taking care of your mental well-being is crucial for a happy and productive life. At UCLA Occupational Health, we offer a range of services to help you maintain good mental health, from counseling to mindfulness classes.

But let's not forget about the importance of exercise. We all know that sitting at a desk for eight hours a day isn't exactly great for our bodies. That's why we offer a variety of fitness classes and programs to help you stay active and healthy. From yoga to cardio, we've got you covered.

Of course, we can't talk about occupational health without mentioning safety. Workplace injuries can happen to anyone, but with the right precautions, they can often be avoided. Our team can help you identify potential hazards and come up with a plan to keep you safe on the job.

But let's be real, sometimes accidents happen. That's why we also offer injury treatment and rehabilitation services. Whether you've sprained your ankle or pulled a muscle, we'll help you get back on your feet (literally).

And let's not forget about the importance of nutrition. What we put into our bodies has a huge impact on our overall health and well-being. At UCLA Occupational Health, we offer nutritional counseling and education to help you make healthy choices and feel your best.

So there you have it, folks. From flu shots to fitness classes, mental health to injury treatment, and everything in between, UCLA Occupational Health has got you covered. Don't wait until you're sick and tired to take care of yourself. Make an appointment today and start living your best life.

UCLA Occupational Health: Where Your Health is Our Business

Welcome to UCLA Occupational Health, where we take your health seriously...or at least pretend to. We understand that work can be stressful and hazardous, but don't worry, we're here to make sure you don't keel over at your desk.

A Warm Welcome

When you walk into our office, you'll be greeted by our friendly receptionist who will ask you to fill out a stack of forms. Don't worry, it's only 20 pages long and we only need your name, social security number, and your signature 50 times.

The Waiting Game

After you've submitted your life story, you'll get to wait in our cozy waiting room with other sickly individuals. Enjoy the soothing sounds of coughing and sniffling while you wait for your turn to see one of our medical professionals.

The Examination

Our medical professionals will then lead you to a room with a bed and a bunch of medical equipment that looks like it came straight from a horror film. They'll ask you some questions, poke and prod you, and maybe even make you do some exercises that'll leave you feeling like you just ran a marathon.

The Diagnosis

After the examination, our medical professionals will diagnose you with something that sounds scary, like chronic subdural hematoma or acute on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Don't worry, we have no idea what those mean either.

The Treatment Plan

Once you're diagnosed, our medical professionals will give you a treatment plan that involves taking a bunch of pills and doing some exercises that you'll probably forget about as soon as you leave our office. But don't worry, we'll send you a reminder email every week to make sure you're still alive.

The Follow-Up

After your initial visit, we'll schedule a follow-up appointment for you in a few weeks. We'll remind you about it via email, text message, phone call, and carrier pigeon to make sure you don't forget.

The Bill

Finally, the best part - the bill. Our services may cost you an arm and a leg, but don't worry, we accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Venmo, and your firstborn child as payment.

The End

And that's it! We hope you enjoyed your visit to UCLA Occupational Health. Don't forget to take your pills and do your exercises, or else we'll have to charge you extra.

Doctor, Doctor, Give Me the News! Are you feeling a little intimidated by the world of occupational health? Fear not! UCLA Occupational Health is here to make sure you stay healthy while you work. Let's start with the big question: is a desk job really exercise? Well, sitting all day can be hard on your body, but our team has got you covered with tips on stretching, exercising and staying healthy in your work environment. Now, let's talk about chemicals, germs and other fun stuff. We know working with hazardous substances can be scary, but we're here to make sure you're safe and healthy on the job. And when it comes to creating a comfortable workspace, who needs a fancy ergonomic chair anyway? We've got all the tips and tricks for making your workspace comfortable and healthy.But sometimes, it's not just physical health that we need to worry about. Is it a cold or did you just get too turnt at happy hour? It's hard to tell the difference sometimes, but no matter what the cause, UCLA Occupational Health is here to help you recover and get back to work ASAP. And if stress is getting the best of you, don't worry – we can help you find your zen with our mindfulness and stress-reducing techniques.Of course, accidents happen, and that's why we're here for you in case of emergency. Whether it's a small mishap or a major incident, UCLA Occupational Health can help you handle any situation. And speaking of emergencies, don't forget to get your flu shot! With us, you can even get one while you grab your morning coffee.Now, we know you work hard, but you also need to play hard – just make sure you don't overdo it. Finding a balance between work and play is key, and UCLA Occupational Health can help you do just that. Because at the end of the day, it's all about taking care of yourself – both on and off the clock. So remember: you're worth it.

UCLA Occupational Health: The Hero of the Workplace

The Beginning of the Story

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a workplace filled with employees who were constantly getting sick. Whether it was a cold, the flu, or something worse, the employees were always calling off work and leaving their bosses in a bind. That is, until UCLA Occupational Health came to the rescue.

Who is UCLA Occupational Health?

UCLA Occupational Health is a team of medical professionals who specialize in keeping workplaces healthy. They provide a range of services, from on-site flu shots to ergonomic assessments, to help prevent illness and injury in the workplace.

The Middle of the Story

When UCLA Occupational Health arrived at the sickly workplace, they immediately got to work. Here's what they did:

  1. They provided on-site flu shots for all employees.
  2. They gave a presentation on proper hand-washing techniques.
  3. They conducted an ergonomic assessment to ensure that workstations were set up properly.
  4. They offered personalized health coaching to any employees who were struggling with chronic illnesses.

Thanks to their efforts, the number of sick days taken by employees decreased dramatically. The bosses were thrilled, and the employees were finally able to stay healthy and productive.

The Impact of UCLA Occupational Health

Here are some key statistics that demonstrate just how much UCLA Occupational Health improved the workplace:

Statistic Before UCLA Occupational Health After UCLA Occupational Health
Sick days per month 50 10
Number of employees who received a flu shot 10 50
Number of ergonomic issues reported 20 0

The End of the Story

And so, UCLA Occupational Health saved the day. The workplace was now a healthy and happy environment, free from illness and injury. The bosses and employees were forever grateful to UCLA Occupational Health, the hero of the workplace.


So, if you find yourself in a workplace that's struggling with illness and injury, don't despair! Just call on UCLA Occupational Health to come to the rescue.

Farewell, my dear readers!

Well, folks, it's time for me to bid adieu. I hope that my ramblings about UCLA Occupational Health have been informative, entertaining, and maybe even a little bit amusing. As I wrap things up, let me take a moment to summarize some of the key points we've covered over the course of this blog.

First and foremost, if you're an employee of UCLA or one of its affiliated organizations, then you have access to a wealth of resources when it comes to occupational health. Whether you need help managing a chronic condition, dealing with workplace stress, or finding ways to stay healthy and active on the job, there are professionals at UCLA who can assist you.

Of course, just because you have access to these resources doesn't mean you have to use them. As we've discussed, it's all too easy to put off taking care of your health, especially when work demands are high. But remember: neglecting your well-being can ultimately hurt both you and your employer. So don't be afraid to speak up and seek out the help you need.

Another important point to keep in mind is that UCLA Occupational Health offers a broad range of services beyond just medical care. From ergonomic assessments to health and wellness programs to training and education, there are many ways that UCLA can support you in your efforts to stay healthy and productive on the job.

And let's not forget about the importance of prevention. Taking proactive steps to reduce your risk of injury or illness is always preferable to waiting until a problem arises. Whether it's practicing good ergonomics, wearing appropriate safety gear, or simply washing your hands regularly, small actions can add up to big benefits when it comes to staying healthy and safe at work.

Now, I realize that all of this talk about occupational health may not be the most scintillating subject matter. But hey, we've tried to inject a little humor and lightheartedness into the mix. After all, who says safety and wellness have to be boring?

So on that note, I'll say goodbye. Thanks for reading, and remember to take care of yourselves out there. Who knows – maybe we'll run into each other at the next UCLA Health Fair!

People Also Ask About UCLA Occupational Health

What is UCLA Occupational Health?

UCLA Occupational Health is a department dedicated to the health and safety of employees at UCLA. They offer a range of services to help prevent work-related illnesses and injuries.

What services does UCLA Occupational Health provide?

UCLA Occupational Health provides a variety of services, including:

  • Occupational health clinics
  • Medical surveillance programs
  • Workplace ergonomics assessments
  • Employee wellness programs

Can I get a flu shot at UCLA Occupational Health?

Absolutely! UCLA Occupational Health offers flu shots to all UCLA employees. It's a great way to stay healthy during flu season and avoid spreading the virus to coworkers.

Do I need an appointment to see a doctor at UCLA Occupational Health?

Yes, appointments are required for all medical services at UCLA Occupational Health. However, they do their best to accommodate urgent requests whenever possible.

Is UCLA Occupational Health just for UCLA employees?

Yes, UCLA Occupational Health is only available to UCLA employees. Sorry, non-UCLA folks!

So there you have it - everything you've ever wanted to know about UCLA Occupational Health (and probably some things you didn't). Stay safe and healthy out there!