Boost your SWGoH Game with Health Steal Strategy - Maximize Your Victories!


Are you tired of constantly healing your characters in SWGOH? Well, have no fear because Health Steal is here! That's right, with Health Steal, you can now take health from your enemies and add it to your own. It's like stealing candy from a baby, except the candy is their health and the baby is your opponent.

But wait, there's more! Health Steal not only helps you stay alive longer, but it also deals damage to your enemy. It's like a two-for-one deal at your favorite store, except instead of getting a discount on a pair of shoes, you're getting a discount on your opponent's health.

Now, I know what you're thinking. But won't my enemies just heal themselves back up? Well, that's where mods come in. With the right mods, you can increase your Health Steal percentage and make sure that your enemies stay down for good.

Speaking of mods, did you know that there are specific mods that can increase your Health Steal even further? It's like finding a secret level in your favorite video game, except instead of a new level, you get even more health stolen from your enemies.

But Health Steal isn't just for offensive characters. Tanks can benefit from Health Steal too. With increased survivability, tanks can now take even more hits and heal themselves in the process. It's like having a personal medic on the battlefield.

And let's not forget about the healing abilities that come with Health Steal. Characters like Asajj Ventress and Darth Nihilus can heal themselves and their allies while dealing damage to their enemies. It's like having a healing potion in a video game, except it also hurts your enemies.

But as with all things in SWGOH, Health Steal comes with its own set of challenges. Characters with high tenacity and protection can make it difficult to steal health and deal damage. But with the right strategy and mod setup, even the toughest opponents can fall before your Health Stealing might.

So what are you waiting for? Start incorporating Health Steal into your SWGOH battles and watch as your enemies fall before you. It's like having a cheat code in a video game, except it's completely legal.

In conclusion, Health Steal is a valuable tool for any SWGOH player looking to increase their survivability and deal more damage. With the right mods and strategy, Health Steal can turn the tide of any battle. So go forth, my fellow SWGOH players, and steal those sweet, sweet hit points from your enemies.


Welcome to the world of Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH), where you get to collect and battle with your favorite characters from the franchise. In this game, every character has unique abilities that you can use to win battles. One such ability is Health Steal, which allows your character to steal health from the enemy while attacking them. Sounds like a great ability, right? Well, not so fast. Let's take a closer look at this ability and why it may not be as beneficial as it seems.

What is Health Steal?

Health Steal is an ability that allows your character to steal a percentage of the damage dealt as health. For example, if your character does 1000 damage and has 20% Health Steal, they will receive 200 health. It sounds like a great way to keep your character's health up, but there's a catch.

The Catch

The catch with Health Steal is that it only works when your character attacks. So, if your character is not attacking, they are not stealing any health. This means that if your character is stunned or unable to attack, they are not getting any health back. This can be a problem if your character is low on health and needs to survive.

The Problem with Health Steal

While Health Steal may seem like a great ability, it can actually be detrimental in certain situations. For example, if your character is facing an opponent who has high defense, they will do less damage. This means that they will also steal less health, making it harder for them to survive. Additionally, if your character is facing multiple opponents, they will do less damage to each one, which means they will steal less health overall.

The Solution

So, what's the solution? The solution is to focus on other abilities that will help your character survive. For example, you can focus on abilities that increase your character's defense or resistance. This will make it harder for the enemy to do damage to your character, which means they will not need as much health steal to survive.

When Health Steal Works

While Health Steal may not be the best ability in all situations, there are times when it can be beneficial. For example, if your character is facing an opponent who has low defense, they will do more damage. This means that they will also steal more health, making it easier for them to survive. Additionally, if your character is facing a single opponent, they will do more damage overall, which means they will steal more health.

The Best Characters for Health Steal

If you want to use Health Steal to your advantage, there are certain characters that are better suited for this ability. Some of the best characters for Health Steal include Darth Vader, General Grievous, and Asajj Ventress. These characters have high damage output and can steal a lot of health, making them great for surviving tough battles.


In conclusion, Health Steal may seem like a great ability, but it's not always the best option. While it can be beneficial in certain situations, it can also be detrimental in others. The key is to focus on other abilities that will help your character survive, such as defense or resistance. If you do decide to use Health Steal, make sure you use it with characters who are suited for this ability. With the right strategy, you can use Health Steal to your advantage and win battles in SWGOH.

Putting the Steal in Health Steal: How to Take Advantage of Your Opponent's Health (Without Feeling Guilty!)

Health Steal is a sneaky technique that can give you an edge in SWGoH battles. It allows you to steal some of your opponent's health and add it to your own, effectively reversing damage and keeping you in the fight for longer. But let's be honest, it also feels a little bit like cheating. So how do you use Health Steal without feeling guilty? Simple, just pretend you're a vampire and your opponent is a juicy, delicious neck waiting to be bitten.

Health Steal: The Sneaky Technique that Keeps on Giving (and Taking)

Health Steal is a powerful technique for SWGoH players who want to stay alive longer and deal more damage. It's especially useful for characters with high damage output, as they can quickly replenish their health by stealing from their opponents. But beware, using Health Steal makes you a target for your opponents. They'll do everything they can to take you down before you have a chance to steal their health. So, use Health Steal wisely and strategically.

When Your Health Steal Game is On Point: How to Be the Most Hated Villain on the Galaxy of Heroes

If you want to be the most hated player in SWGoH, then master Health Steal. It's a surefire way to make your opponents ragequit and curse your name. But don't let their hatred get to you; embrace it and use it to fuel your desire for victory. Remember, in SWGoH, it's not personal, it's just business.

How to Avoid Embarrassing Yourself with an Epic Fail in Health Stealing (Hint: Don't Attack the Wrong Enemy)

One of the biggest mistakes SWGoH players make when using Health Steal is attacking the wrong enemy. It's embarrassing, and it can cost you the battle. So, always double-check before you attack and make sure you're stealing from the right opponent. It's better to be safe than sorry.

From Zero to Health Steal Hero: The Ultimate Guide on How to Become a Master of Robbing Your Opponents' Lifeforce

If you want to become a master of Health Steal, then you need to practice, practice, practice. Start by using characters with health steal abilities and learn how to use them effectively. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you. And don't forget to watch and learn from the top SWGoH players. They've already mastered Health Steal, so why not learn from the best?

Practicing Health Steal Without Getting Caught: Tips from the Top SWGoH Players

One of the biggest challenges of using Health Steal is doing it without getting caught. Your opponents will be watching you like a hawk, waiting for you to slip up. So, how do you practice Health Steal without getting caught? Simple, practice in PvE battles. You can experiment with different strategies and get a feel for how Health Steal works without the pressure of PvP battles. Once you've mastered Health Steal in PvE, you'll be ready to take on the world.

Getting the Hang of Health Stealing: How to Find the Sweet Spot Between Greed and Strategy

Health Steal is a powerful technique, but it can also be your downfall if you're not careful. It's easy to get greedy and steal too much health, leaving yourself vulnerable to attack. So, how do you find the sweet spot between greed and strategy? It's all about balance. Use Health Steal strategically, stealing just enough health to stay in the fight, but not so much that you become an easy target for your opponents.

When Health Steal Goes Wrong: A Collection of SWGoH Horror Stories

Health Steal can be a game-changer, but it can also backfire spectacularly. We've all had those moments when we thought we had the battle in the bag, only to have our Health Steal abilities fail us. It's heartbreaking, but it's also part of the game. So, if you have a horror story about Health Steal gone wrong, share it with the community. We've all been there, and we'll commiserate with you.

Health Steal for Dummies: A Simplified Guide for Beginners (Because Everyone's Got to Start Somewhere)

If you're new to SWGoH and Health Steal seems like a foreign language to you, don't worry. Health Steal for Dummies is here to help. Start by understanding the basics of Health Steal, then practice using characters with Health Steal abilities. Once you feel comfortable with the technique, experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you. And remember, everyone's got to start somewhere.

The Ethical Dilemma of Health Stealing: Is It Really Stealing If It's in the Game? An Existential Crisis for SWGoH Players.

The ethical dilemma of Health Stealing is a hotly debated topic in the SWGoH community. Is it really stealing if it's in the game? Some argue that it's just part of the strategy, while others believe it's unfair and should be banned. But at the end of the day, it's up to each player to decide for themselves. Just remember, in SWGoH, there are no rules, only victory.

The Tale of Health Steal Swgoh

The Introduction of Health Steal Swgoh

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, there was a powerful weapon known as the Health Steal Swgoh. It was a weapon that could steal the health of its enemies and transfer it to its wielder.

The Power of Health Steal Swgoh

The Health Steal Swgoh was a highly coveted weapon, as it could turn the tide of any battle. Its power lay in its ability to sap the life force of its enemies, healing its wielder in the process. The more enemies it faced, the stronger its wielder became.

I once saw a Jedi Master wielding the Health Steal Swgoh, said a smuggler who had witnessed the weapon's power. He took on an entire army of droids and emerged unscathed, thanks to the health he stole from them.

The Humorous Side of Health Steal Swgoh

But for all its power, the Health Steal Swgoh had a humorous side to it. Its wielder would often find themselves in ridiculous situations, such as stealing the health of a weak and feeble enemy, only to end up with a tiny sliver of health restored.

I once saw a bounty hunter try to steal the health of a small creature, only to end up with a measly 1 health point, chuckled a group of smugglers over their drinks.

The Table of Health Steal Swgoh Keywords

For those who sought to wield the Health Steal Swgoh, they needed to understand the following keywords:
  1. Health Steal - The percentage of health stolen from an enemy.
  2. Transfer - The amount of health transferred to the wielder.
  3. Cooldown - The number of turns before the Health Steal Swgoh can be used again.

With these keywords in mind, a skilled warrior could unleash the full power of the Health Steal Swgoh.

The End of the Tale

And so the tale of the Health Steal Swgoh comes to a close. It remains a powerful weapon, coveted by warriors and feared by enemies. But for all its power, it still manages to bring a smile to the faces of those who wield it. After all, who wouldn't find humor in stealing health from a tiny creature?

So Long, Farewell, and Stay Healthy with Health Steal in SWGoH!

Well folks, it's been quite the journey learning about Health Steal in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. From understanding the basics of the mechanic to exploring its unique uses in various game modes, we've covered a lot of ground. But alas, it's time to say goodbye.

Before we part ways, let's do a quick recap of what we've learned:

Firstly, we discovered that Health Steal is a powerful ability that allows characters to recover health by dealing damage to their opponents. This means that characters with high Health Steal can sustain themselves in battle much longer than those without.

Next, we explored some of the best ways to use Health Steal in different game modes. In Galactic War, for example, characters with high Health Steal can make it through all 12 nodes without needing to be healed. In Raids, Health Steal can be used to keep your team alive during tough boss battles.

We also looked at some of the best characters with Health Steal in SWGoH. Darth Sion, for example, has an incredible 100% Health Steal when he uses his special ability. Nightsister Zombie is another great choice, as she can revive herself multiple times thanks to her Health Steal ability.

But enough about all that serious stuff. Let's have some fun before we go! Here are a few silly (but still somewhat informative) tidbits about Health Steal:

- Did you know that Health Steal is a great way to save money on healing potions in real life? Just kidding, please don't try this at home.

- Health Steal is like a vampire's dream come true. They get to suck the life out of their enemies AND stay healthy at the same time!

- If you're ever feeling down in the dumps, just remember that Health Steal is there to pick you back up. Literally.

Okay, okay, enough with the jokes. It's been a pleasure writing about Health Steal in SWGoH, and I hope you've all learned something new. Remember to keep those health bars high and your opponents' health bars low!

Until next time,

Your friendly neighborhood Health Steal enthusiast

People Also Ask About Health Steal in SWGOH

What is Health Steal in SWGOH?

Health Steal is a game mechanic in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes that allows a character to recover health by dealing damage to an enemy.

  • When a character uses an ability with Health Steal, a percentage of the damage dealt is returned as health to the user.
  • The amount of Health Steal a character has depends on their abilities and gear level.

How does Health Steal work in SWGOH?

Health Steal is a bit like ordering takeout - you get something for yourself while also taking something away from someone else.

  1. When a character with Health Steal deals damage to an enemy, a portion of that damage is converted into health for the attacker.
  2. For example, if a character with 20% Health Steal deals 1000 damage to an enemy, they will receive 200 health points back.
  3. Health Steal can be particularly useful for characters that deal a lot of damage but have relatively low health pools.

Is Health Steal worth investing in?

Absolutely! Health Steal can significantly improve a character's survivability in battles.

  • Characters with high Health Steal can recover a significant amount of health each time they attack an enemy.
  • This means they can stay in the battle longer and deal more damage overall.
  • Additionally, some characters have abilities that increase their Health Steal even further, making them even more effective.

What are some characters with high Health Steal in SWGOH?

Here are some of the best characters to consider if you're looking to add Health Steal to your team:

  1. Darth Nihilus: This Sith Lord has one of the highest base Health Steal percentages in the game, making him a formidable opponent.
  2. Kylo Ren (Unmasked): Kylo has a unique ability that gives him a massive boost to his Health Steal when he uses his special attack.
  3. Asajj Ventress: Asajj is another character with high base Health Steal, and she also has abilities that can increase her Health Steal even further.

In conclusion, Health Steal is an incredibly useful mechanic in SWGOH that can help your characters stay alive longer and deal more damage overall. So go ahead and invest in it - your team will thank you!